Monday, May 11, 2015

spilled coffee

We are driving down the road and suddenly, out of the blue, she says "You are irreplaceable".

"What?" I heard her and couldn't believe it. I was astonished. It almost choked me up. "That's the kindest thing you ever said to me."

" 'You are irreplaceable,' I was reading a billboard."

"I thought you were saying..."

Then she is going on about how "Everyone wants to write a book and put their thing out there and..."

"It's interesting," I protested, "My book is interesting. I wasn't the hero in the thing." She got me riled, I nearly spilled my coffee. I did spill my coffee on my pants.

M.: "Everyone has a story and they all think theirs is..."

"The scout asked me to interview with George Lucas for a new space movie he was doing and I said I wasn't interested. So what? I had other plans. I was going to be like Ernie and just do Voice work. So what if I was the right age and looked as good as Harrison Ford and was a better actor, I didn't want to do on camera...okay, maybe it was a little screw-up."

Hollywood Ways is the ups and downs of this Ohio guy going to the big city. Available on Amazon and Smashwords. Read it. Suffer with me. Meet some interesting people. See if I messed up. Hey, I made a living and had fun.

"What about me being precious to you?" I asked.

"A billboard...I was reading a billboard."

"Could I have some more coffee?" She didn't answer. During the silence I cleaned up my spill, then poured more coffee from the thermos.

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