Friday, January 27, 2017

Mary Tyer Moore

1975 in Hollywood I got called to dub an actor in the movie “Grizzley”. I knew the producers wife, a co-star in Grizzley. We were in a voice workshop together. I'd never dubbed before, she said I could do it easily. It meant a day's work at Paramount. You can find the film on You tube. If you know my voice you'll recognize me from forty years ago. The job went well, no problem. (I'm between five and six mintues into it, also other places, but that's enough.)

As it happened, a few hours into the dubbing session the director called a break. I asked and they told me how to find the coffee machine. I went down the hall, got there and stood front of the machine pushing buttons. It wouldn't go. Then a woman's hand came from somewhere, reached over and hit a few buttons. I had coffee.

We talked. A very nice woman. She was on a break from another studio. Dressed in street clothes as actors do in public, had no make up and a lot of freckles. She looked familiar. I thought she could have been Doris Day. She could tell I didn't recognize her, then stuck out her hand and introduced herself. Mary Tyler Moore. What a sweet person. By then we were old coffee talkers. About twenty minutes later we decided we'd better get back to work.


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