Friday, June 29, 2012

to miss them

He  said they were going to miss us, me.  He said, they were going to miss me, but I know he meant us.  They always liked when she came around, maybe she was their favorite; anyway they always went out of their way to talk more when she was around, but I though they were my responsibility, I was the one that took care of them, although they didn't need much.  Course she was the one that said I should put up the net to keep the herons at bay. She worried about them.  they might have known that. 

Today I had some stuff to get, just picking up getting the last of it.  I kept at my work. he just sat there, waiting, as always.
We never did say much, just hi and goodbye and some small talk,
that sort of thing.  Oh, we had a few times it got into a real gab fest.  There was a lot of racket back and forth.  Yes, you could say that there were some epic chatters.  I thought about it now as i walked by, in and out of the lab. Call it a shed now. it’s reverting back to it’s original shape, form.  

Today I looked at him as I went by.  He'd say something now and then and I'd give a reply to let him know I heard, but I had to get the work done.  we were moving out now, renters were coming in a few days.   I explained to the new people all I could.  I didn't tell them how i much I care for the frogs, how happy they made me,or maybe I gave that impression with all the instructions I gave.  

When I had the car loaded I walked back and circled the pond and saw them again, three of them were out.  It was the boss that was talking to me and I went up to his end and said goodbye again.  and then I quickly left.  I got in the car and left.  Oh, I'll remember them, all of them and the times we spent together.  I'll think of them often.


Annie said...

It's too bad they can't move with you, but you made a comfortable, safe place for them to live. Maybe you can visit now and then.

TomC said...

Well done Jack thanks. Build another safe place near your new one. They will come.