Monday, October 20, 2008

the campaign

Politicians don’t have to travel all over the country and speak to crowds. They can stay at home and do their talking in front of a TV camera. Why spend the money and time traveling. It is a heck of a high cost. Security, airplanes, vehicles, locations, food, itinerary, etc. etc. All sorts of expense we can’t imagine.

And what has the candidate done for two years but travel, hop around, in and out, here and there. What a waste of time. How about one crowd appearance a month, others can be daily twenty or fifty people in a conference room. Choose your people, choose your rooms. Let the nation hear how they slant their talk for every state’s interests.

This is the TV age for heaven’s sake. Don’t tell me it is so important for people to be deep in a crowd and see their candidate jammed live in the thronged arena. Hey, even the Beatles learned years ago that it was too big a forum to function.

Then Take Rush, Hanity and the rest of the hate mongers and put them away for the next eight years. They incite unrest and hatred. I worked in L.A. at the largest radio station in the U.S. I have an idea how it all works. I knew people like these. I know it’s about money and not any deep heart-felt emotions. Money. That’s it. Boot em out. Free speech my ass. Money is the root of it all.

Then find a way to boot out lobbyists. Cut their connection to Congress, thus cut their power. Let them start all over again. I don't want to say vote out all incumbents, that would cut the lobbyists link, but we'd also loose some good Congressmen and women.

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