Tuesday, October 21, 2008

thinking and doing

So thinking about Roma again. It’s about time. Three weeks to go and I haven’t really started packing. Just in my head, and there’s not much there. Meaning not much I‘m thinking about taking. I’m leaving three weeks before M. She has to rake the leaves, and that’ll be some doing. But she likes the work. I don’t know why. Maybe because I was raised with it and she’s from California. No raking there.

Our Van is getting a part. It’ll be back tomorrow, I think. We had to drive sixty miles back from Amish country this weekend at twenty-five miles an hour. Some part broke and it wouldn’t shift out of second gear. Talk about a “go slow”. We took little roads back.

“You want to drive to Oberlin to see this new house for sale?” she asked.
“No.” That took care of that. Now she’s outside finding some work to do. Hey, She likes it. All winter long in Roma she’s trapped with nothing to do.

I went outside and found her. Had to walk all the way around the house to catch up with her. Whatever she was doing, she was through and I had to stay out there and scoop leaves out of the pond. About half the leaves have fallen, and it’s getting time to pick them out of the pond. It took about ten minutes to get what was there. Soon they’ll be falling in earnest. Some days I will have to go out three times each day to get them. I don’t want them filling up the pond. When they start disintegrating they get harder to find. Sun is shining today. That’s good.

M. bought about six ears of dried corn for the squirrels. We’ve had one lying in the middle of the yard for a week, ear of corn I’m talking about now, and they still haven’t found it. She put the ear of corn on the bench. They always hop up there. Good luck to them. I’ll give ‘em about a week to find it.

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