Thursday, May 21, 2009

back in the pool

I went back to the swimming pool today for the first time in six months. The lifeguard was Danielle. I didn’t remember her name, I had to ask her. She worked the pool five years before and had been in California with her husband who was in the military. Plugged in, un plugged, that’s how it goes. First you’re talking, then it changes. Little by little I am returning to Ohio.

I went over the to hot tub and noticed the hand written sign on the side of it. it said: The drain lovers are raised on the bottom. What kind of strange message was that? Was it a joke? I looked at it a few minutes and wondered.

Then I walked up on the side and climbed down into the tub. When I stepped on the bottom of the tub my foot felt a lump - the drain cover. Aaahhhh. It was the hand printing on the sign that confused me. The letter C looked like an L.

Maybe M. could sew my pants together at the knees so I’d blend in better with the stylin' younger generation.

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