Wednesday, September 9, 2009

School Starts

About five-thirty in the afternoon Meridith and I started a short walk up the street to the library. Next door our neighbors were out. The boys were. Dad was watching Cooper the older child, nearly four, playing in the yard. He was rolling a walnut up and down the sidewalk. We stopped to talk.

Three year old Charlie was in a rocker on the porch, waiting. The older boy was relaxed playing. He’s a veteran, been to preschool. I helped him roll the walnut a few times.

Charlie is pushing three and anxious to get his wheels rolling into education. He spoke to Meridith. Told about school starting tomorrow. This is his first time at school. His cousin Tate will be taking a bus. Tate was here the other day for a sleepover. Then he said, “Getting new shoes Spiderman.” Meridith nodded. That said it.

Good luck, boys. Have fun and do well. The world is opening to you.

1 comment:

holly said...

This is so nice! I love: "I helped him roll the walnut a few times."