Friday, November 13, 2009

ufo video

If you have half an interest watch this.


TomC said...


Cat said...

Really great. Thank you for sharing that.

And I like your profile pic!

Annie said...

I've tried to watch a couple of times and it keeps cutting off after a few minutes. I've believed life must exist on planets in other solar systems since Carl Sagan's PBS series, Cosmos, from the 1980s (has it really been that long?), when my husband and I were heavily involved in an amateur astronomy club, but I haven't ever researched enough to form a solid opinion on UFO's.

Dave King said...

kept my interest all the way through, even though that is not normally my sort of thing. There is a lot of originality in there and some really frsh and funny bits (intentional or not). I enjoyed bits like: “Were not serving breakfast right now. You’ll have to wait until day after tomorrow, or yesterday, which ever comes first. care to wait?”