Wednesday, March 30, 2011

TomC does it again

Ok, so TomC sends me this. Now I have the new edition of his book on my Kindle.
So, how'd he know I have a Kindle?

Second Edition is now available on Amazon Kindle for a paltry $2.99! Yes, folks you too can relive the experience of Tom C's times on the edge as you careen around the tight corners of the blacktop of life on your Badass Harley Davidson.

The ebook is also available (has color photos Kindle does not include) in a Scribd version for the same low, low, low price of $2.99. Here you can preview the intro and first chapter of the book just as it would magically appear on your computer. This version is good for laptops, iPads and what not... especially the "what not".

Last, but not least... there is a dedicated web site that provides background and info for the first signed, hand bound leather bound hard copy edition of the internationally acclaimed book (yes, we had one buyer in Australia folks!).

Don't delay though as the second edition ebooks are in limited supply... we have no way of knowing how many can be downloaded before cyberspace runs plumb out!

Please share this with at least 10 people you know - especially people you would not like to hear from again! If you do this you will receive a welcome email from my cousin in Nigeria who needs to send you a ton of dough in return for your very small deposit...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Jack... you did a great job of writing the marketing blurb for this post!

I have the book on my Kindle now and started reviewing it (for the millionth time) last night.

Already found three errors (they are inserted by gnomes while I sleep). Now I have to correct the errors and reload it. No rest for the wicked!

And the word verification this time is ADEROO... sounds pretty upbeat doesn't it?! "Its a nice day today. Guess I will get the old Aderoo out and take it for a spin!"