Saturday, November 12, 2011

per (purr): my poetry page

Kind comments from three young, well, three vixens, arrived boom – boom – boom. Lights my heart for sure. Yes, it is thanks enough to keep the old mans fires burning. Fire – one fire. Glowing – coals glowing gleefully, coal.

My wife was just drying her hair with one of those loud plug-in blowing things and I tried to stand in the shadow and get a little second hand smoke to dry my hair. Not smoke really – gusts of heat.

She didn’t like that. Her time, her space, words like that to shoe me off the court. (shoe - better spelling)

Vixen: I like definition two – a female fox. is that a typical male comment that regresses me back into the depths of maledom-dumb ?

Comments of approval make me want to get out there and score again. win the game ball, gold plate it. But going anxiously can cause a team to throw it away and loose the game.

So, visor down, I’ll keep calm, as best I can. so be it.

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