Sunday, December 23, 2012


World Press  International -  Mobisie,  Kenya

Within the confines of Africa’s second largest country 
by area,the Democratic Republic of the Congo, a newly 
founded sovereign state has now been formally recognized.  Previously largely isolated this area, now called 
Clickz, has been granted international sovereignty.   

Far from undeveloped, the inhabitants have a capital 
city of twohundred thousand and several suburbs, drive 
cars and work in modern offices.   Their unique language, officially called Clickz, is completely oral, never 
written and can best be described as the sounds a mouth 
makes by gently smacks lips and clicks tongue. 

With no easily distinguishable words, the popping, 
smacking sounds are produced in rapid irregular rhythms.    
Such as: “ppp, dpadpa, dpa tutut” - roughly translated to 
mean: “Pleased to see your bird.”

With the advent of the Twenty-First Century and the
strengthening world community this group has recently 
gained membership into the United Nations. 

Before the first meeting in the world council the Clickz 
leadership met with U.N. translators, during which the 
group of experts upon hearing the new language for the 
first time thoughtthe envoys from Click were joking.

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