Sunday, June 30, 2013

Our Doves

They hatched one day apart in a nest on our porch, up high in the far corner under the eves. About a week later they hopped out of their nest, first one then the other, flew down into the fenced garden and stuck around.

Two or three times now they've flown away, only to return, to sit and sleep here.  Their mother would often
come to feed them. 

During the days they walked around the perimeter of the yard a bit. Not too much walking.  Mainly, in rain and shine, they snuggled under the large butterfly bush behind a row of bricks near the outside fence; a prime location in the center of things. 

This morning we woke and went on the porch to check on them and they were gone, our doves.  At times it had seemed they would live they lives right here, near us.

We've checked on them several times every day.  This morning they had departed to join the great bird society in the faraway; we both sensed the emptiness.  With a feeling of forever, they have gone.

For two hours I wrote and edited this account, then we headed out for a nearby farm to pick cherries.  Down the porch and at the gate we stopped.  Our two dove friends were just walking back in under the gate.  Home again - those little bastards.

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