Friday, February 27, 2015

blog comments found

comments are like comets
i wrote that a while ago...
and then said something clever;
like those comments you have written
that i found today in my spam box...
it's not my fault
- favorite Italian saying - non e culpa mia!

blogspot is my blog site, to whomever asked that one.

hello to Peasley Poor Farms - best berry picking spot in northern ohio...sorry i didn't check the spam file sooner. I wasn't really cleaning anything here, I was just pushing buttons and found your
comments that where sent last august.

As you know I've been doing other writing for a while.
It's really cutting into my reading time.

got a tv in october, another time gobbler;
and other than news, all we watch is movies...mostly old cowboy stuff.

I want to report my book Hollywood Ways is doing
really poorly; that's only sales ways, however i may surpass it with a new release soon.

I thought the new book would be ready two months ago...blah, blah, etc. editing, corrections, etc.

p.s. my stalker sent me an orchid for my birthday.
i'll give it to Bill, he's having us over on Saturday.
so i won't pee on it.

with this birthday...
in 30 years I'll be 100.
yesterday was harder;
i awoke today thinking
it doesn't seem so bad.


Anonymous said...

Not kidding, to pee on it, which shame for you, Sir !
So if you're an Ohioan famous gentleman writter, you can repair it, by giving it to poor people who deserve it.

Anonymous said...

Not kidding, to pee on it, which shame for you, Sir !
So if you're an Ohioan famous gentleman writer, you can repear it, by giving it to poor people who deserve it.