Friday, August 26, 2016

Today I am working to get this page up to date.

went to the hospital today for the drug i take every 28 days. Now that is finished for another month.

Now at home I can't decide if I took pills this morning. twice a day I take pills. I think I took them, but the days seem the same. The pills box that keeps order is difficult to use. M keeps the boxes filled, and it seems I miss some pills. I don't know.

The comments I receive on this site are never in order. I am working on that.

M and I stayed at the hotel Rome that was destroyed in Amatrice.
I know our friend Pasquale was there with his family.
The earthquake was terrible for many villages in that area.
It will take months to uncover the extent of damage.

Each day I continue to read and write.
Some day I will have this in order.

My MRI was okay. The doctor said the tumor in my brain is the same and does not require intervention "at this time". I can worry about that later. That was good news, or something to worry about later?

I am almost walking better. I have not fallen down for a week, I think.

So many things to think about.

Annie, yes I have the Indian stone that is eight thousand years old. I look at it every day. It looks like a dull tomahawk, as large as my fist, and is heavy.

1 comment:

Annie said...

Hi Jack,

This is the first time I'm reading this post, tonight... How would I know you are answering me? I hope all has been well since you wrote this... I've enjoyed catching up here, and at A Warming Trend. I enjoy reading your calm and conversational voice, your observations, and your musical way of sharing... thinking of you... Keep writing, please...