Tuesday, November 11, 2008

on the fly

most of these people are dressed like they’re going on a duck hunting sleep over, and these are the passengers at Philadelphia International Airport.

In preparation, knowing I had a big trip ahead, last night I went to bed at 9:30. At 11:30 the neighbor’s dog began to bark. It could have started earlier, but that was when I woke and looked at the clock. One bark every twenty seconds. I timed him by counting off the seconds. 12:20 a.m. he was let into the house. I was awake until 4:30.

M. got up at 5:30. I told her about the dog. She told me to stay in bed and sleep. I did and I slept until 5:40. We left for the airport at 7:00.

By 8:30 I was in place, waiting at Cleveland Airport, 8:48 an alarm went off. Very Loud. It was meant to be heard. A summons to invoke immediate action. However, no one moved. They don’t even look up. The alarm must mean something, still no action is taken. It was driving me crazy.

8:53 it is quiet and an announcement is made. The smoke alarms are being tested.

8:56 – 8:58 the test again.

Then all is quiet until 9:02 – 9:03. A final test. Then all is quiet.

9:06 we boarded, passing directly under the alarm. Every one looking up at the alarm.

10:30 – 6 p.m. I wait at Philadelphia International airport for my flight to Roma.
This is good. M. has packed me food. I have a book. I have the Internet. I have coffee. I have it all.

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