Thursday, November 27, 2008


Sure there is a lot of living in Roma, an arsenal of events and color. It is an ordeal to survive in the hustle. Always something to do, and whatever it is, it isn’t easy. I mentioned in my other blog, An American in Roma, that I can live more in a day in Roma than I do in six months in Ohio. That’s true enough, more or less.

But, Ohio, Beautiful Ohio, there is much to be said for it. Ohio, where we live half the year, is on nearly the same latitude as Rome, so the light, the beautiful light that painters love, is the same. I’ve painted in both places. And. the nature of Ohio is provincial, beautiful and full of country life.

When I write, in Ohio I take inspiration from seagulls, trains whistles, the lake, the river, and plenty of weather. That’s why they call it Beautiful Ohio. I was born and raised into it, and there is my heartland.

Rome? Well, it keeps me on my toes.

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