Friday, March 19, 2010

For the people

My brother in law fell and hurt his shoulder, tore something. They put him back together to the tune of twenty-five thousand dollars. His insurance paid eighty per cent. Still there was a chunk left over he had to come up with.
He’s a college professor. He’s working. He’s lucky , as lucky as you can call anyone who falls and hurts himself to the high cost of 25k.

Medical care and medicine are costly. It is time the U.S. join the other industrialized nations of the world and provide health care to its citizens?

After all, this is still a government for the people, right?

1 comment:

TomC said...

Right on target. That 20% co-pay isn't exactly chump change either. Wouldn't take too many of those to wreck a professor's bank account. It is too expensive and there are to many with no coverage - paper here recently said 25% of Californians. It's a train wreck and current reform, if passed, will hardly touch it...