Tuesday, October 26, 2010


When a nominee for governor in one of our states
tells the US president he can take his endorsement
and shove it, i see how far we have fallen as a
civilized nation.


Annie said...

This is upsetting, and I don't even know who you are talking about. My husband and I have been amazed hearing the debates for governor and senate where we live, and the fact that almost no one is standing up against the disparaging and direct comments made against President Obama. Most Democrats running for office are letting negative comments against Obama stand, even though they are both insulting and unfounded. Almost no one is defending him with his many accomplishments; as if they want to distance themselves from this historic president- uncivilized and stupid behavior that will lose the elections, not win them, and lose the Democrat Party's self-respect. Democrats should be rallying around President Obama, and constantly reminding the country that he did not start these economic and global messes, and it will take more than half a term to clean them up. I'm sorry- I'm rattling on and on, when your single sentence says it all.

jack sender said...


It is upsetting, the entire package, from both sides of the political fence.

We are in tough times.

TomC said...

I agree. People are running in shallow waters, firing baseless allegations when they should give our elected President full support though his administration. We have lost track of the fundamentals. We, the people should tell our President and other elected officials what we want then give them a chance to deliver. If they don't we will elect others. Also extremists, both right and left are getting far too much limelight... so much that they distort reality for all of us. All of this happening in an era of instant, fragile and very often false communication. You are right Jack. "Tough times"